
翻譯社本文來自:有關翻譯的問題接待諮詢華頓翻譯社 韓文口譯語言翻譯公司列位版友,各人好 (此為代PO.) 伴侶父親已過世翻譯社 他名子中包孕一個”瑞”字翻譯朋友一貫以為他的英文譯名是JUI,所以當初在填寫I-485翻譯社 G325a和美國的娶親證書中翻譯社 填寫的是JUI翻譯 後來,伴侶家人去戶政事務所開立的小天成翻譯社戶籍謄本出證實是RUI,並繳交給移民局翻譯 今朝收到RFE節錄以下 A review of your household registration record reveals that your father’s name is Rui. However翻譯社 you indicate in part 3 of application is Jui. Similar翻譯社 the form G325a indicates your father’s first name is Jui. Finally, it is noted that your marriage certificate also identifies your father’s name as view of the foregoing翻譯社 the recorded constitutes a discrepancy regarding your father’s first name. Rui as opposed to Jui Lin. Please explain the discrepancy regarding your father’s name. You must submit any appropriate den documentation to support your assertions (I/e/ copy of your father ‘s passport biographic page or other civil documentation). If your father change his name, you must submit official documentary evidence of the name change. further, if the discrepancy is the result of an error on the household registration record翻譯社 you must provide a new household registration record with correct information along with a statement from the issuing authority that acknowledges the error and its subsequent correct. If you submit a document in any language other language, it must be completely translated. The translator must certify that he/she is competent to perform the translation and that the translation is accurate. the foreign -language document must be submitted with English translation 今朝已到戶政事戶所從新開立一份父親名子為JUI的戶籍謄本. 然則戶政事務所沒方法供給任何acknowledge the error的文件,只跟華頓翻譯社伴侶說他們是依造函管理 [本人及相幹親屬之姓名請以護照之英文姓名為第一優先,並請攜帶護照(或護照影本)打點,若無護照者,以漢語拼音填寫(姓名不屬於本件戶籍謄本文義翻譯之列,如填寫之英文姓名毛病,請從頭申請)。] 請問是否是有各位任何方式可以讓戶政事務所開立? 是否是可以請戶政事務所發函給我友人申明翻譯原則,然後將之翻譯轉交給移民局? 感激各位的協助!!! -- Sent from my Windows


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